I also 2x having baby, just 讀完大學 for 2 years, lots of people ask me why so young having baby and they think I'm too young and don't know how to teach kids. Most of my classmates want to "做多幾年野先結婚,結左婚又話要有兩三年二人世界,然後仲話要考埋個咩野專業牌"....
Actually, my career maybe affected by the baby since I needed to spend more time on my son. Others may need 4-5 years to be 考牌, but I needed 8 years. But everytime when I see my son and my family, I feel so happy and still think it's the right choice even I'm so tired that I need to work and take care my son.....
原文章由 Sandra_100 於 07-11-23 13:46 發表
I also 2x having baby, just 讀完大學 for 2 years, lots of people ask me why so young having baby and they think I'm too young and don't know how to teach kids. Most of my classmates want to "做多幾年 ...