




積分: 4212


發表於 06-4-19 12:16 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

Thanks first. I am not Audreymom's friend. :lol:

working visa = contract expire date ??

係吾係要印印離港前要搞好所有手續? 如果吾係,佢係吾係返唔到來香港. 一個月時間足夠嗎?

另家信用印尼文寫 ?



積分: 12635

發表於 06-4-19 14:59 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)


O sorry for the misunderstanding tim.

Working visa expiry date, I think, is = contract expiry date.

Q. 係吾係要印印離港前要搞好所有手續? 如果吾係,佢係吾係返唔到來香港.
Ans. Yes.

Q. 一個月時間足夠嗎?
Ans. The Indo Consulate will only process the new DH contract which is due to expire within 1 month.
1 month is more than enough. Indo Consulate takes around 1 week, if all goes smoothly. (In my case, we had to wait for some Indo documents and submit again, waited for about 10 days. So if in case there is some hold-up, there should still be enough time for you to get whatever is missing.)
Then the HK Imm Dept takes only a few hours.

Q. 家信用印尼文寫 ?
Ans. Yes. Only the Indo Consulate will read it.


積分: 4212


發表於 06-4-19 16:22 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

Thanks very much.


積分: 3918

發表於 06-4-20 14:58 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)



Legalization fee $480
Medical fee $480+$20
Notarization fee $400
Immigration fee $135
Total expense = $1,515

Agency fee:
Handling fee $3,100 (employer + employee)
Legalization fee $480
Medical fee $480+$20
Notarization fee $400
Immigration fee $135
Total expense = $4,615

其實相差就係handling fee $3,100. 可能有d agency會包一d費用, 但就要搵. 我明白比人做係無咁費時和方便好多, 但我最後都取決自己做.
Happy!ok! 寫道:
自己續約同agent續約手續有無不同? 但如果差幾佰會唔會比agent賺無咁煩呢?

alanchoi 寫道:

所以我total 用左 (唔計香港稅)=$2125
我之前搵的agent最平都要employer = $2800, 工人=$300, legalization fee+medical fee+notarization fee另外自己比
所以agent都係食$$的, 自己做真係抵好多!!


積分: 220

發表於 06-4-22 10:52 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

我個印印7月20日Last Day, 我想同佢續多2年約,請問首先要做D咩先,可否清楚列明Step:


積分: 12635

發表於 06-4-22 18:56 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)


Re : Steps for processing.

Pls read the first few pages of this topic. The info you required is all there.


積分: 218


發表於 06-4-22 23:48 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

多謝回覆, 原來唔係幾佰, 係$3100 , 就真係要想想先!

alanchoi 寫道:


Legalization fee $480
Medical fee $480+$20
Notarization fee $400
Immigration fee $135
Total expense = $1,515

Agency fee:
Handling fee $3,100 (employer + employee)
Legalization fee $480
Medical fee $480+$20
Notarization fee $400
Immigration fee $135
Total expense = $4,615

其實相差就係handling fee $3,100. 可能有d agency會包一d費用, 但就要搵. 我明白比人做係無咁費時和方便好多, 但我最後都取決自己做.


積分: 220

發表於 06-4-24 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

Dear Bulestar,



積分: 1610

發表於 06-4-29 08:44 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

Hi Bluestar,

I helped my maid to renew her contract 2 yrs ago after reading your info. Her visa will expire on June 26 again and I will renew it for her myself. However she has to go back to Indonesian to divorce with her husband from May 15 - 27. So I decide to process everything after she return to HK. I don't want to spend the money for her in case she doesn't come back to HK and work for me.

Besides, I think it is better to do the medical check after she returns to HK. But the question is: her passport will expire in Jan 2007, is it ok to use this passport to renew her visa? Or she has to get a new passport first? Does the expiry date of the passport matter to Indonesian Consulate? How about the HK Immigration dept?



積分: 12635

發表於 06-4-29 13:51 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)


1. About the Passport

The HK Imm Dept and the airlines will refuse boarding / entry for passengers holding passports with less than 6 months' validity.

If your maid's passport is going to expire in Jan 2007, and she plans to return to and enter HK on 27 May, then that is JUST within the limits of 6m-validity.

To clear this problem, you had better call up HK Imm Dept to check whether the maid holding a valid passport with slightly more than 7m is OK. If this is borderline, then your maid should go to Indo Consulate NOW, ASAP, to have her passport renewed (need to wait for collection). If OK she can still enter HK in late May then have passport renewed AFTER she returns to HK.

In any case, after passport is renewed, you need to apply for "Extension of DH working visa" for her from HK Imm Dept (same day collection, form to fill in, now costs $135 but will be increased v soon).

Extracted from HK Imm Dept's website :

The Helper must hold a valid national passport. Any given permission to stay in Hong Kong will expire on a specified date which in any case shall not be beyond one month prior to the expiry of the passport.

Extracted from HK Tourist Board's website :

Visitors to Hong Kong must hold a valid passport. Passports should be valid for at least six months after your planned departure date from Hong Kong.

2. About her home leave

If you let her take all her home leave in May, before expiry of contract, when you renew a further contract, the HK Imm Dept will only let her have a 1-yr visa, she needs to exit HK then return to HK then get another visa which lasts till the end of her new contract.

Since this is her 2nd contract, then for 3rd year of working for you she gets 8 working days' holiday, 4th year she gets 9 working days. So if you let her off from 15 - 27 May, this is only 12 working days' leave taken, you still owe her 5 working days' leave.

3. About her contract renewal

a. For her divorce, I don't think she can get that done within 2 weeks. The Indo men are lazy and will refuse to let her go because she earns enough to support the whole family, so they wil usually refuse to sign all papers and complete all procedures, unless she pays him more $$$$ to buy him off.

b. For contract renewal this time, one of the new requirements is a computer-printed data sheet of her family, i.e. her husband, herself, her kids. Even if she can complete divorce procedures before she returns, there is no way she can get this data shee with new info i.e. without her husband's name, and her name should go back under her father's fmaily. (i.e. 戶籍表)。
Another new requirement is for head of household (husband, or if no husband then father) to write consent letter that she is permitted to continue to work in HK, then stamped and verified by village elders.
For both these documents, either she pays her (ex-)husband more $$$ to buy this, or she won't get it from him.

c. If you think your maid can bring back with her either her old 戶籍表(under husband's name) or new one (under father's name), AND consent letter from (ex-)husband / father, then your plan of getting her to have medical exam AFTER her return is 100 marks.

I hope you can overcome the above problems which I foresee in your case. If you don't get what I meant above, I will gladly explain my worries to you over the phone. :idea:


積分: 1610

發表於 06-4-30 01:56 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

Hi Bluestar,

Thanks for your detailed analysis. I feel so worried right now and I will read all the info again tomorrow. When I picked up the form from the immigration dept, i knew that i have to let my maid to re-enter to hk again in june. Actually i also let her take some annual leave already. So I only owe her a few more days only.

My maid told me that her husband wanted to get marry with another woman, so he wanted to divorce asap. I didn't think of any problem before as we didn't need to supply so many documents 2 yrs ago. I will also contact immigration dept again regarding her passport.

I will discuss with my husband too and decide whether we should renew the contract with her, there is so many risks and worries right now. It is so rush also if i want to hire another new maid. :cry:


積分: 12635

發表於 06-4-30 03:20 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)


"i knew that i have to let my maid to re-enter to hk again in june."
--- IF you renew contract with maid, then she needs to exit and enter HK once, during the first 12 months of the new contract. (i.e. sometime between June 2006 to June 2007 in your case).
[There is a choice in one of the sections of the HK Imm Dept form, for you to tick whether she takes home leave immediately at end of old contract, or within 12 months of new contract.]

If her husband wants the divorce, then hopefully he will complete all legal procedures quickly. In that case, you had better ask your maid to call up Indo Consulate (or you call them up), to ask who should be writing the consent letter (agreeing that she can continue to work in HK) and which family computer data sheet she should supply for contract renewal, if everything is underway and official govt records have not yet been amended.

Worst case is, if you still want to renew contract wtih this maid, you can always find an agency charging cheaper agency fees, to renew contract.
I think contract renewals through agencies need not require the 2 problematic documents.


積分: 1610

發表於 06-4-30 08:26 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

Good morning Bluestar,

I just talked to my maid and asked her to get the consent letter and the computer data sheet for me within next week. I told her I won't renew contract for her if she can't provide that to me next week. Then she told me that her friend can renew the contract without these 2 documents when through agent. Then I told her why I have to pay agent over $3000 for the handling fee if I am able to do it myself. She asked whether I will assist to pay part of the $3000 for her. I told her to call her husband today and asked whether he can get those 2 documents for her. I just think the problem is not on me. She is nice to my daughter, but I just don't want to take the risk in case she can't show up again in HK. As I have to work, I can't look after the daughter myself ar!

Meanwhile, I will try to find an agent and look for another maid first in case my maid can't stay in HK.


積分: 12635

發表於 06-4-30 11:38 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)


You are right - it is best to be prepared for either way. ("2-hand preparation")

If she really wants to continue to work for you, she will be able to do it.

But the postal service from Indonesia is quite unreliable. If they send by courier, you still need to check your mailbox cos last time my maid found it on top of all the mailboxes instead of delivered up to my flat. Not the door-to-door courier service we normally expect.

re the agency fees for contract renewal, usually employer share that with maid. Can be in any ratio, depends on your mutual agreement.


積分: 2262

發表於 06-5-2 13:50 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

hi Bluestar,


印印唔想自己攪, 成日同我講佢d朋友搵d公司好平, 共$3000攪掂, 佢比$1500, 我比$1500, 我唔需要上新公司, 比晒d文件佢上新公司就得!信唔信得過?


積分: 12635

發表於 06-5-2 14:04 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

(Is your son still studying in KlnLLC ?)

續約的文件 - I got the blank DH contract and the forms for Imm Dept from Wan Chai Immigration Tower.

- d文件會包括僱主身份證副本,稅單副本,地址證明(即水電或煤或差餉單)。問題係,你幫襯任何一間agent都一樣要交出這些文件。


積分: 2262

發表於 06-5-2 16:54 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

YES and thanks for your reply. 你講起我先記得之前同你傾過e個問題, 但個細女就唔係啦!

Bluestar 寫道:
(Is your son still studying in KlnLLC ?)


積分: 548

發表於 06-5-7 21:01 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)


請問公証行律師letter 內容是什麼?



積分: 1620

發表於 06-5-10 10:18 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)



積分: 4212


發表於 06-5-10 11:39 |只看該作者

Re: 我開始搞自行續約的手續了(印印)

same as my maid, but the agent charge us total $3500. @$1750.00.


龍馬媽媽 寫道:
hi Bluestar,


印印唔想自己攪, 成日同我講佢d朋友搵d公司好平, 共$3000攪掂, 佢比$1500, 我比$1500, 我唔需要上新公司, 比晒d文件佢上新公司就得!信唔信得過?


