我...成日要聽電話...8成英文人..好多白撞/推銷/搵dept head...
多數問佢咩事? What is it regarding? OR May I know what's the matter?
佢up完一輪係推銷, 直接講: sorry we don't need this service/product right now. Thanks for calling. 佢再up, 我都係直接講: no, we don't need this at the moment. Thanks. 通常識自動收線。
有D, 堅持留D咩卡片/資料比我...就(扮)抄低, 然後講: ok thanks. we will contact you if we need any of it. 再收線。
搵咩dept head, 一律講: he's not based in Hong Kong 或者 he's not in hong kong. 聽過有D公司係要人講到名先transfer, 就會問: do you have his/her full name? 如果條友話唔知/只講dept head, 就同佢講: sorry, i need to know the full name in order to transfer your call. 佢再chur, 再講sorry we can't help on this. thanks for calling. 通常都收到線。