Statement letter from parent/guardian or husband (for married status) containing no objection to the domestic helper to extend employment contract without agency (attached with her parent/guardian or husband's copy of Indonesian ID Card and Family Card which is legalized by Village / District Head.
Domestic helper has to send a letter to Indonesian agency informing that she is renewing her contract without agency. (Attached the proof of letter posting.)
我已經聯絡律師樓,預約緊有做notary public資格的律師然後帶封信上去,我當面簽後他們再蓋個notary public的印。
Employer's guarantee statement has to be made at and before the notary public in HK containing the matter as determined by the Indonesian Consulate General.
要注意: 並非所有律師都有notary public 的資格。記住要講清楚是notary public,預約好才上律師樓。
Health statement letter from doctor attached with medical check-up report.)
印印今期要換hk id card,並說immigration dept 要她一個最近搞自行續約的姊妹取到新身份証後,才肯替那位印印辦dh visa extension 手續。
即係話,我最快可以10月17日當天上午,和印印去印尼領事館,去做這個process 約見領事館職員:
After completed all the reuirements, the employee must come to show documents to Official of Consular Section in KJRI Hong Kong (印尼領事館), if the documents are completed the employee can make appointment with the Official of Consular Section in KJRI Hong Kong, which must be attended by the employee and the employer.
其他所需文件,容易得多, 集齊就得:
-- Application letter from employer containing the reason to legalize new employment contract without going through the agency.
-- New employment contract signed by employer, domestic helper and 2 witnesses.
-- Recent photo of domestic helper and employer, one photo each person.
-- Copy of domestic helper ID card.
-- Copy of domestic helper valid passport and valid working visa.
-- Copy of employer ID card.
-- Old employment contract (copy and original).
-- Legalization fee of HK$480.-
-- Domestic helper insurance policy.
I think we should ask the immigration dept why we have to notarise the contract at the Indonesian Consulate.
I have filed an application for reviewing the notarisation requirement to the Chief Executive under the Immigration Odinance and is awaiting for an reply.
I hope I can force the Immigration Department to waive the notarisation requirement soon.
剛才律師樓回電話,約定後天(thursday)下午,由律師notorize 我在這封信上的簽名:
Employer's guarantee statement has to be made at and before the notary public in HK containing the matter as determined by the Indonesian Consulate General.
最近加了價,費用約$500。要自己打好文件,上去律師樓,在有notary public資格的律師面前簽名,再由該位律師notorize 你的簽名是你的親筆簽名!!
至於驗身報告($480)及以下這封醫生信(証明fit for work)($300),好像明天或後天可以取到:
Health statement letter from doctor attached with medical check-up report.)
剛才lunch 後去了律師樓,搞掂並取到手這文件:
Employer's guarantee statement has to be made at and before the notary public in HK containing the matter as determined by the Indonesian Consulate General.
我照抄內容自己打好文件,上去律師樓,在有notary public資格的律師面前簽名,再由該位律師notorize。
印印今早再去見醫生,醫膀胱炎,結果配了2種藥。($300, but can claim part of it back from insurance company.)
Statement letter from parent/guardian or husband (for married status) containing no objection to the domestic helper to extend employment contract without agency (attached with her parent/guardian or husband's copy of Indonesian ID Card and Family Card which is legalized by Village / District Head.
除了封statement letter(要有鄉中父老簽名蓋章,及印印父親簽名,並有個印尼"釐印5000印尼盾"(stamp duty))外,印印父親還附加一張戶籍紙 - 家中戶籍戶口人數/名字/年齡的一張電腦紙) - 就是這張電腦紙出事 - 要正本。
其實正本寄過來hk,唔見左點算。估計是要張certified true copy 類物體。
還有,話張戶籍紙或封家長信上,有個蓋印是黑色印 - 這個印原來要蓋藍色印。