佢黎左10日,前日我叫佢睇仔,我去沖涼,我冇留意原來佢眼濕濕,佢突然同我講,i was thinking my family, just cry. 我下左一聲,拍下佢大脾冇理佢。今日,我問佢今晚煮咩,佢就叫我吾好預咁多俾佢,因為lunch time 時,太掛住屋企所以食吾曬,佢有送剩!我心表同情但係冇流露出來,因為心入面諗緊:菲菲可能在做戲,留伏線,計劃緊問我借錢、或者對我不利/不便嘅計劃!
原帖由 mylulu007 於 12-08-22 發表
係咪oversea工人? 除 local 經驗有沒有其他oversea經驗?
如沒有, 人家可能真係home sick, 咪送張calling ...
你同佢放心都得喇,佢有2個sister in law 同一個老表係HK,老表係度14年,老表上星期日放假已買左張sim card俾佢,方便佢兩家SMS,佢自己係到步後係boarding house 識左friend 佢地買左同台sim card 方便SMS。即係,佢吾係完全缺乏家人關心。我吾會因為calling card 平,就豪俾佢,冇必要,咁大個人,出遠門打工,自己應該諗得好清楚,如果佢真的home sick 吾做,都冇辦法,到時再搵。吾係起曬槓,只係同自己做定保護程式啫!衰左,邊個可憐我!
Same occassion for me. My maid come on 24 July, the first three days said they have homesick and would like to come back. After discussed with the agent, she said she was fine and would continue to work. One week later, she said her mother has died and would like to take one week leave. She have to come back on 19 August. but no show.
It's always their excuse. They may request you to take leave and would not come back after the leave.
It bring much trouble to me and i have to find someone to take care of my kids!!!!
I went with her to the agency and asked her to sign a leave application letter with no pay leave. The terms included that if she could not come back before the deadline, it is her side to terminate the contract. I could rehire a new one after the deadline. [Of course, you may add more information inside the letter].
You have to note that the maid always said that they do not have money to go back, so, you have to buy a single trip ticket for her [the amount should not more than the work she done].