Cherry'sb 寫道:
I already took some picture at home by my hushand la, but I also booked Magic to took some professional 大肚相 on 20 apr. U know la, It is my first time pregnant ma. So I want to keep some good memory ma. Anythen, not too expersive, only 500 have 30-36 pcs of photo, I think ok la. But, I am afraid they will 勁sell me 加錢.
wynnekitty 寫道:
如果你地有興趣可以 click 入去睇下啦 我係其中1個孕媽媽
alicew 寫道:
我只是找我老公影, 因為想著三點式影, 只可找老公在家影, 但我睇到d相後, 覺得應該要影, 之後睇翻真係幾得意.